Theatrical show, by Nicola Fano e Simon Domenico Migliorini, Italy, 2022
The protagonist is Brutus, the celebrated instigator, along with Cassius, of the conspiracy of the Ides of March in 44 B.C., the assassin of Caesar. He enters the stage calling loudly for Cassius, his alter ego: we find ourselves in Philippi, where both conspirators have already fought and lost against the troops of Marcus Antonius, who has become the guarantor of justice towards Caesar and Rome. The story written in books materializes on stage with the words of Shakespeare, infinite, immortal, eternal words. The spectator listens, a symbolic battlefield and dead bodies appear before him, on which Brutus, defeated, wounded, almost dying, crawls and invokes and looks around bewildered, shocked at the appearance of the ghost of Caesar.
Brutus is Simone Migliorini, who speaks, moans, shouts, modulates those phrases of Shakespearean tragedy and makes them his own, as they have been generated, also in the adaptation from Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" by the playwright Nicola Fano, who worked on the text focusing on the most controversial figure, that of the leader of the conspirators, the assassin of Caesar, specifically for Migliorini, who has studied and deepened the text and characters. But here Brutus, as the show unfolds, also becomes Macbeth, also Henry V, both tyrants, both assassins, soldiers, courageous or cowardly, great or infamous, in a flow of words and famous phrases, spoken, planted, recited, whispered, shouted by Simone Migliorini who with this performance confirms himself as a high-level interpreter. What strikes is the protagonist's ability to transform himself, from time to time, from Brutus into other characters, even into Marcus Antonius. A change of costume is enough for him, on stage. And it is here that Brutus looks into Antony's eyes and Antony scrutinizes Brutus, doubled by the same actor in a virtuosity that is extremely congenial to him. The actor is capable of being, at the same time, the one who kills and the one who exalts the killed; the one who is prey to doubts and remorse but is proud of his love for Rome and its freedom, and the one who exalts and celebrates the slain Caesar before the people, holding his will in his hand, in the famous Oration that has always been the flagship of the greatest actors.
SUBTITLES: English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese