Drama, romantic, by Leilani Amour Arenzana, United States, 2020.
Nika, a young woman from Los Angeles who lost both her parents in a car accident, has started her modeling career for some time but she feels the emptiness that surrounds her existence and the weight of time passes. She is no longer so young and she looks back on her life that she looks like a long collection of failures: she has failed to achieve success in any of the artistic fields that she had studied for. But her friend who has become a popular star doesn't seem happy either. In the throes of a severe financial crisis and in desperation Nika faces a life choice that could either redeem or ruin her: becoming an escort.
Nika shows us a plastic world, of extreme fragility and of unaware characters who seek meaning in a society that appears hostile from all points of view. The director Leilani Amour Arenzana, perhaps not always intentionally, shows us characters caught in a trap that perhaps they don't even know exists. A "Western" trap in which vices, psychological frailties, materialism seem to inexorably take over. With surrealist and dreamlike sparks, nightmares, sweet dreams and concrete problems of everyday reality, Nika is a film that tells a period of transformation and redemption of a woman, between drama and romance.
SUBTITLES: Spanish, French, German, Portuguese